mortgage refinance If you want to sell your own home, you have to start thinking like a real estate agent. Just because you have dispensed with their services, doesn’t mean an agent doesn’t know a thing or two about selling houses. So it’s time for you to start acting like an agent.
juegos When selling your own home, one of the first things you need to learn is – there is absolutely no room for sentiment! You have to turn selling your own home into a hard-faced business deal.
real estate Now you may be a pet lover, but this doesn’t mean that a potential buyer will be. There are people who actually dislike pets and have allergies from pet hair. So if you really want to sell your own house, unfortunately you will have to remove all evidence of any pets living there. This will include removing any animal fur, airing and freshening your house on a regular basis and when you know you have prospective buyers visiting, make sure someone is taking the dog for a walk!
They make it sound like home sellers are a bunch of slobs. What are they talking about when they say”clean up the clutter”? If you go to the internet and look at pictures, you’ll find that most show tidy homes. What most of them are referring to by “clutter” are the items that personalize your home. Think about a hotel room. It’s decorated, but not personalized until you unpack your stuff. Items that are personal to you make it difficult for the buyer to imagine the home as being theirs. When they can see what brand of toothpaste you use and what magazines you subscribe to, that’s too much personal information. Things like the wedding invitation posted on the refrigerator and your framed family photo make them feel like they are intruding in someone else’s home. (Really, they are. But if you want to sell your home quickly, give the people what they want and make them feel comfortable imagining it’s their home.)
It used to be buyers would grab the Sunday paper and circle ads that interested them. They would use criteria like area of town, price and number of bedrooms to narrow down the selections. Now, most buyers get online to do their house hunting. They still narrow the field down with the same criteria, but now they are also basing their selection on the exterior picture of your house. In fact, many people look at the picture first and then move on to the written description if the picture “passes the test.”
Your main photo is critical. It may be the entire reason someone chooses to get more information or move on to the next home. In a lot of respects, you have what you have; but there are things you can do to try and get the most attractive real estate photo you can, even after the weather has turned cold and the predominant color in the yard is brown. First, take your photo a little off to the side rather than square on in front of the house. Also, to avoid having the house look like it’s “all driveway and garage,” take the photo from the opposite side. The best photos include a splash of color. A great way to do this in the off season is with a flag. Whatever your strategy, be aware of the importance of having quality photos that show the architecture of the entire room. It’s what the buyers want You can be published without charge. You can to republish this article in your website or blog. Please provide links Active.