Childhood development is fascinating. Learning about the way a baby goes from his infancy to manhood will astound you. There is more to being a baby than is immediately discernable. Babies are far more complex than people think. They each have individual needs and wants that parents need to take care of to make sure that development occurs the way it should. There is a lot more to infancy than meets the eye. The more you understand about child development the better parent you will be!bad credit mortgage bad credit mortgage bad credit mortgages
The heart is usually already pumping by the time a woman finds out that she is pregnant. The heart forms and begins beating around three weeks after conception takes place. Most women take until this time to realize that they missed a period and are growing a baby. Are you impressed that it only takes biology twenty one days to build a beating heart from something that starts out as a single celled organism? Think about everything that your heart does and how strong it needs to be and then marvel at how quickly you made its foundation while you were in the womb.
Music can be heard and recognized by babies even before they are born! As early as six weeks before birth, infants can recognize songs. A baby can spend more than a month in utero listening to and appreciating different songs. Some mothers even report that their babies will move in time to the beat of certain songs. So a person’s musical preference does show up before the child is conditioned to like one type of music over another. Isn’t that amazing?
Most people think that babies do not learn how to smile until a few weeks after they are born. Gas is usually given credit for the first signs of smiling in a baby’s life. Nobody thought that smiling could be instinctual; instead it was widely regarded as learned behavior. It was widely believed that it was easier for a baby to learn how to express unhappiness than it was to learn how to express happiness. Now we know better. Ultrasounds have gotten a lot better in recent years and prove that babies can smile before they are born. Now families are given ultrasound pictures of their smiling children many weeks before the children’s’ due date. The belief now is that the birthing process is traumatic for the baby and that it takes a while for the baby to get over it and “learn” to smile again. Scientists learn new things about infant and child development every day. Today we believe that we know what there is to know but tomorrow we could learn even more! With the rate of discovery, is it any wonder that so many people find babies and infancy so confusing? Staying current with the trends can be easy if you don’t mind doing a little bit of homework. Infancy is more complex than people think. They are complex creatures with specific needs and wants. Learning how to communicate with them is very important. Understanding the different stages of development is very important. Your parenting skills will be better if you understand what is going on.