Remote viewing is an innate psychic talent which every person possesses the potential to develop. When remote viewing, you can see places, things and people who you would not be able to see with your eyes or detect with your other four senses. However, once you learn to remote view you will be able to see things which you cannot be within visual range of.
Unlike astral travel and some other psychic abilities, while remote viewing your spiritual and physical body will stay in the same place. You are able to see any place, person or thing you wish while your body, mind and spirit stay at home.
You can think of remote viewing as a sort of dowsing where your psychic abilities are used to find what you want to look for. Remote viewing involves using extra sensory perception to find and view what you’re looking for.
All of us possess psychic abilities which we have not yet developed. We use only about 10% of our brains; meaning that there’s a lot of untapped potential which we can do many things with if we can learn to use these undeveloped abilities.
There are many practical applications for remote viewing, such as making sure that your children are safe and sound when you’re away. Remote viewing can add to your security and give you the peace of mind that comes from knowing that everything is OK.
What makes remote viewing different to other forms of psychic abilities is that anyone can learn how to do it. Studies on many non-psychic people have shown that once these people had been taught to enter into a sufficient trance-like state, they were able to engage in remote viewing with high levels of accuracy.
To start developing your remote viewing abilities, use these methods:
*Find a quiet place where you will not be distracted and sit comfortably. Close your eyes and relax.
*Relax and breathe deeply through your nose. You will find your breathing may be easier to control if you press your tongue lightly to the roof of your mouth. This will also curb your tendency to yawn during this phase.
*In order to succeed in remote viewing, you need to believe in your abilities. You have to believe that you can and will see people, places and things which you cannot see with your eyes.
*Begin with a simple remote viewing target to show your mind that you are capable of achieving this kind of psychic seeking. Perhaps begin by viewing yourself from a place in front of you, as though you were looking back at your relaxed body as you sit there through a mirror. It can be a little difficult at first to allow your mind to view yourself from an opposite perspective, but be patient. When you do see yourself from the angle that others see you, you’ll be in for a wonderful surprise.
*After being able to view yourself remotely, it’s time to start looking a little farther afield. Try remote viewing a place which you are familiar with. You could try viewing a relative’s home or your office. Look for the details and once you’ve finished your remote viewing session, call and ask if the things you’ve seen are as you saw them in your remote viewing. This is important, since you’ll be able to know how you’re progressing with your remote viewing training.
You can then progress to more advanced exercises. Have a friend sit at their home or in another room in your home and ask them to perform a simple movement while you try to see what they’re doing through your remote viewing abilities. Ask your friend afterwards to see if you have been able to get an accurate picture; again, reinforcement is valuable when you’re trying to learn to remote view.
After having practiced remote viewing for some time, you’ll find your abilities improving and that you’ll have a much easier time bringing yourself into the proper state of relaxation for remote viewing. It’s similar to a hypnotic state; even with your body and mind relaxed enough to allow the subconscious to operate, you are still awake and aware.
The subconscious mind is the seat of our psychic capabilities. The more you practice relaxation and remote viewing, the better you will get at it.