Before buying a home popcorn machine, consider which size is right for you

Has your family joined the home theater club? Got a large flat-screen TV? Installed the ultimate sound system? Now, you might be ready to complete the movie experience with a home popcorn machine. What a great way to enjoy your favorite movie, a large screen TV and that delicious smell of freshly popped movie theater popcorn. If that’s got your attention, you’re not alone.
Interest in popcorn machines for the home has increased. And a trip through most warehouse stores will uncover an assortment of large popcorn poppers, many modeled after the old fashioned popcorn machines that used to sit on the corner of main street decades ago. And while the traditional red is a popular color for these machines, you’ll also find a black popcorn machine to be a stylish addition to your home theater. Before making an impulse buy, do a little research and find out what size popcorn machine would best fit your needs. If you purchase a popcorn machine with a kettle smaller than your needs, you could find yourself constantly popping popcorn instead of watching a movie. And before you know it, you’ll be retiring that popper and throwing a bag of popcorn in the microwave on movie night. Not very exciting.
The volume of popcorn popped is based on the size of the kettle. In most warehouse stores, you’re sure to find a 4 oz popcorn machine and possibly a 6 oz and 8 oz as well. These sizes fit most home situations. In order to determine the best size for you, consider how much popcorn you actually eat. Nutritionists consider a proper serving of popped popcorn to be 2.5 cups, which is 1 oz of unpopped popcorn. However, a typical small bag of movie popcorn is about 7 cups. A medium bag is approximately 11 cups and that large tub is around 20 cups of popped corn. So, with all that in mind, let’s how much volume popcorn machines produce:

4 oz popcorn machines: Creates 10 cups of popcorn per popping session (usually around 3 minutes). For a couple or small family that typically shares a medium-sized bag at the movies, this would be just about right.

6 oz popcorn machines: Produces 15 cups of popcorn per session. For a medium sized family, this would work. If you have friends over, you’ll probably have to make two batches.

8 oz popcorn machines: Pops 20 cups of popcorn per session. This is for the family that always buys the large tub at the theaters. Also, if you have frequent guests, this would be the perfect size.

And while you might not always need to pop at full capacity, the popcorn kettles can produce lower volumes of popcorn. So if you have a 6 oz kettle, but just want a 4 oz serving, just place in the appropriate amount of popcorn, oil and seasoning.
So, when buying a home popcorn machine, size does matters. Be sure to consider how much popcorn you need to pop before buying one.

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