When you are looking for a free credit repair kit, you will probably have no luck finding an actual kit. There are a lot of ebooks available on credit repair, but most of them are not free. There are a lot of websites that offer free credit repair advice, but most of them are not really geared toward helping you. They are geared toward generating leads for credit repair companies, not helping you . Ebooks are easy to get sucked into because they often have a really nice ‘sales page’ that makes some really enticing promises. Don’t be tricked . Remember, they are trying to sell you something. Unfortunately, you will find yourself wanting to buy what they have to offer because the sales pages are well done and you want what they claim. However, there is no guarantee no matter how much they guarantee it will work for you. There are no amazing secrets, just a lot of stuff you don’t know . I have read these ebooks and I have looked at so many credit repair websites. They all give the same information because there is really only one way to go about credit repair. This is it:
- Get your credit report.
- Figure out what you need to get corrected or updated.
- Write the necessary dispute letters for these items.
- Mail them to the credit bureaus with the correct identification.
- Wait for them to respond.
- See the outcome.
Those are the steps that you have to follow. There are more details to the steps that you can find on most free sites if you do a little digging. There are also a lot of credit repair forums that you can post questions on. Or you can search for answers. You will have to do some research. Finding a free credit repair kit is more like putting together your own kit and list of knowledge that you can get from different websites. Take notice of how well the site is put together. That will tell you a lot about the agenda of the site owner. Are they mostly trying to get you so frustrated that you give up and click on an ad? Or are they mostly presenting the info in a clear and obvious manner. The only site we have found that offers a step by step approach, that offers a free application so you can create your letters, that offers video instruction for sending out the letters and that is completely free is CreditBlossom.com. That site is an excellent resource and could pretty much be considered a free credit repair kit even though it is not something that you down load. You simply have to use the site to see for yourself. If you don’t like it, it didn’t cost you anything so you don’t have anything to lose by checking it out.