How Natural Health Treatments Can Lead to a Better Life

Do you feel a little fuzzy in the throat and a little snuffly in the nose? Living in denial is certainly an option but it is likely that once you start to notice the symptoms it is probable that you’re already very sick. Instead of reaching for the medicine cabinet handle, look around your house-you probably have all sorts of natural health remedies in your possession already. Natural health solutions are a more than reasonable alternative to the chemicals you’ll find at your pharmacy. While you don’t want to blow off instructions from a doctor, why not try out natural health methods for a few days before you schedule your doctor’s appointment? By the way, a super way to load your diet with tons of delicious veggies is making super healthy green smoothies with a Blentec blender. Highly recommended, and a great way to boost your immune system.

Try some peppers for cold relief. If you want to infuse your diet with vitamin C an easy way to do that is to eat some bell peppers with each meal. Using cayenne pepper in your cooking is another great way to boost your health (and clear out your sinus passages). Cayenne pepper in tea or in other foods can help you breathe and can cause you to sweat which will help bring down a fever. Cayenne pepper is a great way to raise your body temperature so that you can start sweating out all of those cold and flu germs that are making you sick. Salve is also a good natural cure. Salves are great for helping to break up congestion whether it is in your chest or in your sinuses. Salves are made of herbs and spices that are full of nutrients that you need-salves allow them to be absorbed through the skin which can help you get the nutrition you need even if you have an upset stomach, can be great for your skin and will attach your congestion and boost your immune system. Though it isn’t, technically a natural health solution, vaporub is a great salve to have on hand. Salves work best when smeared onto the chest but they can also be dabbed under the nose or rubbed into the soles of your feet.

Tea is great when you have a cold! Teas that contain peppermint, yarrow and elder are fantastic remedies for people who suffer from a cold or from the flu. To make a very strong tea, put all three ingredients into your tea to get a triple punch against your cold or flu. Your body responds to these teas by sweating out the germs and harmful particles that are helping it stay sick.

Who says that you drugs are the only answer when you feel sick? There are a lot of natural health remedies to choose from that are already in your home! Don’t spend a bunch of money and time on something that does not require it. Choosing natural health cures just makes more sense. Last but not least, don’t forget to check out our Blendtec reviews.

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