There are countless proven studies on the harmful effects caused by smoking; there has been enough governmental advice and warning that smoking KILLS; there has been many smoking-related deaths occurring everyday and every second; there exist many ways and methods to help you quit smoking; and there are also alternative ways, methods and aids for the smokers to choose from; yet many smokers still fail in their quest to quit smoking. Why ? Read on to find out the most important step that most smokers have fail to take…..
To smoke is a choice – a choice that you choose to make to smoke. Smoking addiction is a choice that you choose to make to allow yourself to continue the smoking action. To quit smoking is also a choice that you can also choose to make to quit smoking. That is right, all are about choices that you choose to make, you own choice.
So how can we equate this logic ?
Since you can choose to pick up the smoking habit, you can also choose to quit the habit of smoking ! It is that simple.
Think about it yourself – when you do something, or when you are asked to do something – it is primary your own choice to do it or not to do it. It is not someone else choice that make you do it. Nobody can impose their choice on you to do something that you do not want to. When you decide to do something, you have choose to make that choice, it is you who make that choice.
Without making the choice to quit smoking, most smokers will only drift aside and sail along the quitting path, without any real intention to quit. No wonder, the smokers always say quitting smoking is hard. Sure it is hard, under such condition !
The simple act of choosing a choice equals the strong intention to act on the choice and to accomplish it.
Have you finally got your hands on the things that you have wanted so badly ? Have you finally took that vacation to that location you have dreamed about going? Those realities happend because of the choices you made initially – you have chose to want them, to visit them and it has gave you the strong intention to see it to their accomplishment.
Got the hint ? Really, it is your own choice – to quit smoking OR not to quit smoking. There is no in between – you either choose to do it or not to do it.
But quitting smoking brings about side effects, such as withdrawal symptoms…blah, blah…sure, I called them excuses, and not reasons, that you have chosen to rely on not to quit smoking.
Wouldn’t the proven harmful effects of smoking such as lung cancer (which by the way, kills 1.2 million yearly), heart diseases (which by the way see 85% of smokers died from), and many other diseases caused directly or indirectly by smoking, be a strong reason for you to choose to quit. Perhaps, to look it in another way – a strong excuse for you not to continue smoking ?
Think about it. There is still time to win the quit smoking race, but there is no more time to lose !
I have quit smoking for eleven years. I have chose not to hang on to something that has been proven beyond any doubts that is bad for us, that kills. That first choice that I have made to quit smoking gave me the hard statement of intent to carry out the quitting plan.
More goodness and great benefits will eventually come to you and your health progressively and will continue to come to you when you choose to quit. Your loved ones, your family members, your firends and those around you will also enjoy these goodness and benefits.
Choosing not to quit will continue to bring more harm and damage to you and your health progressively. Smoking is a silent killer and a slow killer too ! And sure, your loved ones, your family members, your friends and even those around you also will be affected by the harmful effects.
Think about it and choose wisely. It is really your own choice when quitting smoking is concern.
Making the choice is always the first step in accomplishing – whether it is for success or for failure.
There is still time to win by choosing wisely, but there is no more time to lose.
Choosing to quit is the first step that most smokers fail to take and that is why most of them fails.
Act now before it is too late.
What is your choice ? Have you make the choice ?
Towards your wise choice,
Learn about the quit smoking way using ionic cleanse foot bath from ionic foot bath research conducted with a hardcore smoker. stop by Alan J Ong’s site where you can find out more on the alternative way, effective and simple way to quit smoking.
Find the quit smoking method at