Tips Before you book You’re Holiday to Australia

Due to the country’s immense size the variation been the north and south has a major change in its climate, the northern half of the country is located close to the Equator which ultimately means intense heat will be scour the region all year round.

although Seasons and months don’t really make much difference to the heat in the northern half of the country the south’s seasons change rather dramatically from cold wet winter months to blazing hot summer months similar to the north.

Great places to go?

you’re safest bet is the northern coast of the country although the towns and city’s aren’t as culturally rich or as widely populated.

The majority of Australia is a baron wilderness which cannot be habituated due to immense heat and little or no water, this is why all of the major towns and cities are situated on the coast of the country which probably induces so many tourists to take Australia Holidays.

Remember not to leave the house without the willingness to use sentences like: “Mate”, “it’s be alight” and “No worries” as slang is widely spoken in the Australia, which shouldn’t prove a problem who our kids nowadays.

Food and Cuisine: copious amounts of Steak and Seafood washed down with lashing of larger (not of that fosters stuff though) or many bottles of Locally sourced wine from the many vinyards.


Things to do?

should be more along the lines of ” What isn’t there to do!”, you can meet and party with many of the millions of travellers, explore the cultured citys and town or try you’re skills at surfing on the fantastic beaches which Australia is bless with. there’s always the time to go on Australia tours to wonder places like the new world wine vineyard’s or ancient aboriginal dwellings,Australia cruises also tend to be very due to the vast amount of diverse aquatic life’s in the surrounding waters.

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