Most men have difficulties following a proper diet so in turn they workout extra hard to get rid of those extra ingested calories . If you have the stamina and metabolism for that kind of routine, then you’ll need a combination workout routine to keep you fit and trim. The trick is to burn more than you consume.
If your goal is to show your six pack abs and you’re 60 pounds overweight, you’ve got some work to do . Working your abs is important, but you’ll see the best results by doing a combination of cardio and strength training for the rest of your body. The goal of burning fat must include circuit training workouts; it will help you work your entire body and build endurance.
Getting flat abs or six-pack abs is about more than just ab exercises . You have to work your body with cardio and strength training, all while eating a healthy low-calorie diet.
You don’t have to do all your cardio at once. You can get the weight loss benefits from cardio even if you do a few short workouts throughout the day. When you are working for fat loss, you will need to keep your cardios to around 30 minutes and at varying intensities. You’ll want to rev up your metabolism so focus on strength training.
Cardiovascular fitness
Cardiovascular fitness is all about the ability of your heart, lungs and organs to consume transport and utilize oxygen. The maximum volume of oxygen your body can consume and use is your VO2 Max. Try to avoid doing low intensity cardio workouts if you’re looking to burn fat .
You should increase your cardiovascular fitness as your heart becomes more efficient at pumping blood and oxygen to the body. As a middle age man, you’ll want to wear a heart monitor and keep to the proper zones for best results. Your body will become more efficient at using that oxygen as you progress in the workout routine.
Strength training
Circuit training workouts are a great way to combine cardio and strength if you’re short on time. This workout has two circuits, each with six strength/cardio exercises that are completed one right after the other, with little or no rest in between.
Complete each exercise in a certain set period of time and then move on to the next with little rest between . I use a boxing timer to work out at two minutes or three minutes with a rest period of 30 seconds or 60 seconds.
Once you’ve completed all of your exercises, that’s considered one circuit . Be sure you warm up with 5-10 minutes of light cardio and cool down with a complete stretch. Be careful and consistent with your progress. Don’t push it. If you are over 40, you will need to pace yourself and take it in phases. Fat burning workouts don’t have to be grueling; you can focus on building muscle to keep the fat burning furnace going.