Easily Avoidable Acid Reflux Causes

Preventing acid reflux is easily done in most cases. The causes of acid reflux tend to environmental which makes them easier to control through lifestyle choices. Dealing with this issue is easier to do when you understand what is causing it. The best way to do this is to visit your doctor and go through a physical exam. Your doctor will ask about your lifestyle and combine that with your physical fitness to help identify the cause of your acid reflux. In most cases, the cause is one of the following.compare car insurance compare carinsurance car insurance compare
Do you often eat snacks close to the time you go to bed? There is a reason you’ve been taught not to do that. You’ve probably been told by parents, doctors and magazine articles not to eat your snacks too late at night. Even kids are told this by their parents and teachers. This is one piece of wisdom that is based on fact! Late night snacks can be a contributing factor to acid reflux attacks.
When you lie down, you make it difficult for your body to prevent your stomach acid from leaving your stomach, and this can give you acid reflux symptoms. Your body should have an hour or two to digest your food before you go to sleep. Your body will thank you for it.
Some medications can be acid reflux causes. One of the more common types of medicine that causes acid reflux are muscle relaxers. If you take any type of blood pressure medications, these can also cause acid reflux attacks. Blood thinners that can be bought over the counter, like ibuprofen and Advil can also contribute to acid reflux symptoms. If these type of medications cause you problems, you should try to avoid them.
If, however, you need them for other conditions, ask your doctor what you can do to counteract the side effects they are causing with your digestive system.
This is going to sound silly, but if you bend over at the waist after eating a heavy meal, this can often induce an acid reflux attack. The food in stomach needs to be broken down to be of use to your body so when the stomach is full, you produce more acid. When your stomach is full, you are more likely to experience fluctuations in the “little flap” that keeps your food and stomach acid in your stomach. Bending over can cause that to fail which sends acid rushing into your esophagus and, potentially out of your mouth (yuck). Stay upright after you eat! Acid reflux is an extremely uncomfortable condition. For the most part, it doesn’t stop you from functioning, but it certainly gives you quite a bit of discomfort. When you are having a severe attack, there’s not much else you can think about. Once you understand what causes acid reflux in your case, you can usually prevent the worst attacks. The causes discussed above apply to many cases.

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