Lose Weight and Manage Your Diabetes with this Diet…

Type Diabetes and obesity go hand in hand, at least in most cases.  And while some people view this as just a part of growing older these days  , there are some who believe that if they could lose the excess weight , then perhaps they could say goodbye to diabetes and taking insulin shots .   There is one such diet  , if you are looking for an alternative way to prevent diabetes .  This diet, the paleo diet (caveman diet), claims that if you can commit, you will slow down aging, lower cholesterol, lose weight quickly AND prevent diabetes  .

 The Paleo Diet in a Nutshell

What we commonly refer to as “dinner” is really only about 10,000 years old I know that that sounds like a long time but in terms of evolution, it is nothing. Before agricultural times (how we are cultivating food today), we ate what we managed to catch during hunting and vegetables and fruits that came strictly from the land and not from a garden.    Advocates of the caveman diet will tell you that that is exactly how we should be eating today. 

The irony to this is that most of what we eat is so far from the paleo diet that the paleo diet menu may seem almost foreign .   Think about it this way…if I told you that you couldn’t eat anything with sugar or flour…no potatoes or corn, what would you eat?   If you could answer this, then you would tell me some fruits and vegetables and some meat.  And in essence, that is the paleo diet     Condiments and marinara sauces are also off the table because they are loaded with sugar…  .   peanut butter is as well because it can’t be safely eaten in its raw state… 

If I go on this diet will it help me with my diabetes?

While lowering your cholesterol and blood pressure as well as weight loss doesn’t have as much to do with diabetes, in truth, the paleo diet will even out spikes caused by sugar . Weight loss along without any spikes in insulin caused by sugar also means the body won’t have to work so hard producing insulin  …this also means that as you lose more and more weight, your body may develop the ability to produce enough insulin itself without having to rely on a needle. 

The paleo diet isn’t for everyone though .  The diet itself is very restrictive, allowing you to only eat what you would naturally eat if you lived ten thousand years ago.   Chances are good that if you went on this diet, you would literally have to empty out your refrigerator and start all over again. 

Success Stories of Diabetics who Switched to the Paleo Diet 

One final advantage, I could not lose weight under the diabetic diet. Only when I went on the paleo diet did I lose weight, and not feel deprived or hungry. My weight dropped 4 kilos to 66 kilos but is now 69 kilos. Quitting bread is on my aim agenda and I expect if I do quit it, the weight will again be 66 kilos.

For more information, you can check this website out as well- The Caveman Diet.

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