Category: Australian Native plants

Callistemon ‘Little Caroline’

Callistemon viminalis dwarf variety Little Caroline, is similar to Little John’ but is smaller in size, growing 75cm tall X 50cm wide. Frost tolerant. Great in containers. This shrub attracts birds to your garden. As with most Callistemons this plant prefers full sun to part shade and can handle heavy clay soils and long periods [Continue]

Pycnosorus globosus

Billy buttons Tufted perennial with silver grey foliage producing bright yellow globular flower heads in late spring and summer. Popular as a cut flower. Prefers full sun or semi shade and tolerates frost. Naturally grows in boggy spots so make sure to keep the plant moist. Can be perfect in rockeries and as a gap [Continue]

Cordyline murchinsoniae

Murchinson’s Palm Lily (Laxmanniaceae) Understorey strappy plant to 1-2m from North Queensland that prefers to be planted in an understorey or indoors as a container plant. Rare in the wild. Beautiful little white/pink flowers on multiple panicles in spring. Fruit is orange to red. Distribution is coastal to lowland tropical rainforests Available in 200mm and [Continue]

Koala tree food selection for NSW

One hundred and three (103) of the tree species (75%) were from the genus Eucalyptus. Of these, 103 eucalypt species identified in NSW alone. Evidence for the use of tree species from the Angophora, Corymbia, Syncarpia, Lophostemon, Melaleuca, Allocasuarina, Casuarina, Callitris, Banksia and Acacia genera was also sourced; some at high to moderate levels locally [Continue]